MOTIVASI LETTER Nama saya Muhammad Ibrahim Aziz, asal saya dari Kota Bandung, dan saat ini saya berkuliah di Universitas Brawijaya, saya masuk di fakultas Teknik, dan prodi saya di Teknik Mesin, dan menurut motivasi itu sesuatu yang penting dalam kehidupan saya, dan juga membantu saya di saat sedang kurang optimal dalam menjalani keseharian saya. Dan disini motivasi yang menurut saya juga penting adalah mencintai diri sendiri. Biasanya saya suka menyadari diri sendiri apabila sesuatu itu terjadi pada saya, baik itu buruk maupun baik, semua akan lebih mudah dilewati apabila kita tau diri kita sendiri dan tau cara menghibur diri kita sendiri itu. Menghibur diri, mungkin kata tersebut bisa di artikan banyak, tapi untuk saya pribadi, menghibur diri yang saya maksud adalah bisa membuat hati kita tenang, dan lebih kearah melewati apapun kondisi itu ...
Formal Invitation Report
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Formal Invitation Report September 11, 2018 Formal Invitation Report Created by: Ajay Dwikavindra H.R M.Ibrahim Aziz Tsana of Class XI Science 7 This report contains : 1.Assesment on other teams:----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Our Team's Wedding Invitation: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dialogue (Offering and Suggestion)
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Offering and Suggestion This is an assignment for the English assignment regarding fluency in the English material of Offering and Suggestion. This assignment is done by Dwikavindra Haryo Radithya (XI- SCIENCE 7/11) and Muhammad Ibrahim Aziz( XI - SCIENCE -7). Another copy would be shown in Ibrahim's blog ( ): Dwika : Hey Bro! Shall we go to Depok? Ibrahim : What are we going to do there? Dwika : I don't know probably just some exploring and relaxing around the city plus we can also enjoy the city of Jakarta Ibrahim : Yeah, sure I'm down for it. Why don't we ask the others to join us? Dwika : Yeah, sure!. Why not? Ibrahim : By the way, when are we going to do this? Dwika : It's two weeks from now Ibrahim : Ok, sure! I don't see a reason to say no. Dwika : Okay then. It's settled!
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ACTIVITY 1: TEXT 1: Opening: FOUND "hello georgetown" Content: FOUND information of the store including time, date, place, and what they sell. Closing:FOUND "for hiring opportunities, email" TEXT 2: Opening: FOUND " The ongoing outbreaks of H5N1 Avian Influenza in Indonesia have had a significant impact. Since August 2003, more than 10 million livestock have been affected and the H5N1 virus has crossed the species barrier resulting in at least 135 confirmed human cases with 110 deaths. Moreover, the potential exists for the H5N1 Avian Influenza virus to trigger a human pandemic " Content: FOUND information about the impact of influenza, also including date and place. also about asking permission to have research/studies. Closing: FOUND "Detailed information of call for proposal, include: application and assessment process, assessment criteria and deadline of proposal submission, is attached and available at WHO Indonesia Coun...
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THE FOOD OF HELL IN INDONESIA 1. Famous as one of the best tropical countries, Indonesia provides tons of uniqueness and excitement. Its nature, culture, and art always bring millions of tourist each year. However, this time we are going to talk about one thing, Indonesia’s cuisine, in particular Sambal. Sambal or sambel is infamous among tourist as the food of hell for its undeniable ability to make the consumer produces tears and sweat when eating. Produced using chili as its main ingredient, sambal is indeed taste extremely spicy. Sambal is made by grinding ‘cabai’ or chili, along with several complements such as onion, cherry, tomato, ‘terasi’, sugar, and salt. The ingredients are grinded using traditional tool made usually from wood or plastic. The texture is smooth with a vibrant color of green and red, depending on which chili you use. 2. wrong: Its nature, culture, and art always bring millions of tourist each year. correct: It's nature, culture...
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POL AR BEAR Kingdom : Animalia Phylum : Chordata Order : Carnivora Suborder :Carnivormia Family : Ursidae Genus : Ursus Species : G.martimus Polar Bear is the Animal of Pole, Polar bear is one of the animal in Pole that have a huge body. Polar bears roam the Arctic ice sheets and swim in that region's coastal waters. They are very strong swimmers, and their large front paws, which they use to paddle, are slightly webbed. Some polar bears have been seen swimming hundreds of miles from land—though they probably cover most of that distance by floating on sheets of ice. Arctic Adaptations Polar bears live in one of the planet's coldest environments and depend on a thick coat of insulated fur, which covers a warming layer of fat. Fur even grows on the bottom of their paws, which protects against cold surfaces and provides...